Community Nursing

Social and Community Participation | All Nursing Family Care

Social and community participation

We will assist you with the daily living activities and provide additional help where you need personal care. To us it is more than just physical needs, it is about building trust and strong relationships which is why we try to always give you same support workers for consistency and comfort.

Community Access & Transport | All Nursing Family Care

Community access & transport

We work with consumers to connect them with their community so that they can participate in activities to get them closer to their goals and achieve greater independence.
One of the biggest barriers to community participation is access to transport. We provide transport to and from activities and support consumers while they are there (as required).

 These activities may be provided in a centre or in a community setting. Activities can include:

  • attending a personal development course

  • joining a social group

  • attending one of our Clubhouses or Mental Health Hubs

  • outings or holidays

  • library visits

  • taking in a movie or concert

  • community events

  • sporting clubs

In Home Support | All Nursing Family Care

In home support:

  • Grocery shopping

  • Meal preparation

  • Personal care e.g. showering, dressing

  • Help with domestic tasks

  • Cleaning